Austral Asia Line is the multi-purpose liner operator providing customers with the comprehensive range of port coverage and cargo shipping options in the Australia, Asia and Papua New Guinea region. help
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AAL Shipping Agencies

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AAL Shipping Agencies
Phone:       (61-7) 3332 8555
Fax:            (61-7) 3332 8500
Address:Ground Floor, South Tower, 527 Gregory Tce
Bowen Hills
QLD 4006
Web Site    

Our South East Asia Service is your better choice for Australia and the South East Asia regions.
The line offers a frequency of 17 days covering the base ports in Australia of Brisbane, Newcastle, Port Kembla and Melbourne.
In Asia direct calls include Jakarta, Singapore, Port Kelang and Sriracha (Bangkok).
Other ports in the South East Asia region and Australia are also serviced on an inducement basis, whilst transshipment opportunities over Singapore are offered to and from the Indian subcontinent and other regions.

The North Asia Service is your better choice for Australia and the North East Asia regions.
This service offers a frequency of 18 days covering the base ports in Australia of Brisbane, Newcastle, Melbourne, Adelaide, Port Kembla and Townsville.
In Asia direct calls include Hong Kong, Kaohsiung, Keelung, Inchan, Busan, Yokohama, Kobe and Shanghai. We also accept containerised cargoes from Dalian, Xingang, Qingdao, Ningbo, Nanjing and other ports in China.
Other Ports in the North East Asia region and Australia are also serviced on an inducement basis, whilst transshipment opportunities over Hong Kong and Busan are offered to and from other North East Asia regions.

PNG exppress service
Austral Asia Line (AAL) PNG service is your better choice from Asia to Papua New Guinea.
AAL PNG service offers a frequency of 17 days to Port Moresby, Lae and the out ports of Alotau, Oro Bay, Kaviang, Rabaul and Madang covering the base ports in South East Asia of Port Kelang, Sriracha (Bangkok), Singapore and Jakarta. In North East Asia AAL PNG service is covering the base ports of Shanghai, Hong Kong, Kaohsiung, Keelung, Busan, Inchon, Xiangang, Kobe and Yokohama.
A wide range of other ports throughout Asia and the Indian subcontinent are offered through transshipment via Singapore and Shanghai.

Cargo management:
- containers;
- project and heavy lift;
- earthmoving equipment and boats;
- unitised cargo.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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