United States
AADF is the largest 3rd party provider of warehouse, logistics, and distribution services in New Mexico. With 3 state-of-the-art facilities, AADF is able to provide cost effective solutions for most any logistics, transportation, or storage needs. help
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AADF Warehouse Corp.

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United States
AADF Warehouse Corp.
Phone:       505.842.6563
Address:1414 12th Street NW
Albuquerque , New Mexico
Web Site    

We offer the following services:
* public warehousing
* contract warehousing
* in-house transportation services
* refrigerator/freezer storage
* freight consolidation
* freight forwarding
* computerized inventory control.

Our facilities:
* 3 convenient locations
* 50 truck dock doors
* 9 rail spots serviced by B.N.S.F. (secured fenced in rail siding)
* uniformed security at entrance and exits
* c.c.t.v. with 24 hour video recording
* alarm provider: adt security systems
* fire protection provider: Grinnell Fire Protection Systems (monitored by water supervisory flow alarms)
* food grade warehouse
* specialized accounts: foodstuffs, beverages, pharmaceuticals, paper products, manufactured goods, forest products, and construction materials.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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