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Cargo Shipping

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Whenever you need to ship cargo of any kind and size, refer to our International Cargo Shipping Directory to find the shipping company that will meet all your shipment requirements. All companies profiled in the Directory provide quality cargo shipment services with affordable rates.

Services presented in the International Cargo Shipping Directory include Cargo pick-up and delivery from your warehouse or factory to the final point at destination, cargo consolidation, customs clearance, warehousing, etc.
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Manchett's Freight Services Ltd
Martin Butterly & Company Ltd.
Manchett's Freight Services Ltd. based in East Anglia, is ideally situated to serve the North, South and Midland areas of England.   Operating out of the North Quay in the Port of Drogheda, Martin Butterly & Company Ltd has been acting as ship agents, stevedores and warehousemen since 1885.
Martinair Cargo
Martinair is cargo transportation company created in 1998.   MASkargo has been established since 1972. The company handles the delivery of cargo around the world via Malaysia Airlines' global network of routes.
Matchmaker TransportationServices Inc.
MATCOM Industrial Installations Inc.
Matchmaker Transportation Services Incorporated is an American cargo shipping and international transportation company specializing in delivery different kinds of goods.   Matcom Industrial Installations Inc. is active in the field of the installation and relocation of industrial machinery and process equipment.
Maxicargo International SPA
McNamara Freight Ltd.
Since 1988, Maxicargo International Spa has operated in the field of transportation.   Established in Felixstowe during 1989, we remain a privately owned and independent company, specializing in the movement of cargoes to and from Europe.

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