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Cargo Shipping

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Whenever you need to ship cargo of any kind and size, refer to our International Cargo Shipping Directory to find the shipping company that will meet all your shipment requirements. All companies profiled in the Directory provide quality cargo shipment services with affordable rates.

Services presented in the International Cargo Shipping Directory include Cargo pick-up and delivery from your warehouse or factory to the final point at destination, cargo consolidation, customs clearance, warehousing, etc.
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Atlantic Freight Ltd
Autair USA
Atlantic Freight Ltd have a wealth of experience in the carriage of cargo, to and from any worldwide destination.   Autair Freight Services will organize and co-ordinate the right service whether by air, sea or road to the West Indies and South America and world wide.
Autumn Grain and Transport
Aviation Express, Inc
Autumn now stands as America's transport company who's primary market is agriculture.   Express, Inc. is a full service specialized carrier. We have over 50 years experience in servicing the airlines and aviation industries. Our customer base reaches from coast to coast.
Axel Anderson, Inc.
Axis Global Logistics SAC
Axel Anderson offers solutions to the heavy duty trucking business.   Based in Callao, Peru, Axis is a freight forwarder, providing flexible transportation solutions whether by ground, air or sea.
B & A Shipping
B&W Machinery Installations Ltd.
B and A Shipping Services Ltd. are experts in cargo shipping and forwarding. Based in a central office in England, B and A Shipping offer a professional service in the movement of goods from small consignments through to full container loads.   Formed in 1981 to serve the needs of local industry, B&W Machinery is the problem solving company that has grown steadily to serve an international market with frequent contracts now in the European Community, China, India, Iran and Brazil.

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