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Cargo Shipping

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Whenever you need to ship cargo of any kind and size, refer to our International Cargo Shipping Directory to find the shipping company that will meet all your shipment requirements. All companies profiled in the Directory provide quality cargo shipment services with affordable rates.

Services presented in the International Cargo Shipping Directory include Cargo pick-up and delivery from your warehouse or factory to the final point at destination, cargo consolidation, customs clearance, warehousing, etc.
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Airschott, Inc
Airways Freight Pakistan
Airschott is one of a group of companies founded in 1977, now involved in various aspects of international and domestic transportation services. We specialize in the handling of sensitive and "special needs" cargoes.   Airways Freight Pakistan specializes in the global shipping of air cargo and sea cargo. Geographically we are based in Asia, but we operate world wide.
Al Amal Travel, Tours & Cargo WLL
Al Fadhil Cargo Forwarding Co
Al Amal Travel, Tours & Cargo WLL is locally owned and making its presence since 1978.   AFCO Dubai was established in 1976 with the objective to cater for the growing needs of the importers and exporters in Dubai.
Aladdin Global Cargo Service Co., Ltd.
Albtrans International Ltd
Aladdin Global Cargo Service Co., Ltd. is serving in freight forwarding and co-operating with forwarding in 40 countries around the world, the group covers every aspect of international forwarding .   Albtrans is a transport and distribution solution provider based in the UK and operating throughout Europe.
Alitalia Cargo
All Cargo Traffic
Alitalia Cargo is an Italian company with over 50 years of activity in the air logistics field.   All Cargo Traffic is a cargo transportation company based in Bangkok, Thailand with worldwide representative offices.

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